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Spline Kit Pro

Spline Kit Pro allows you to easily create and sculpt paths for animating your Game Objects in Unity. Spline Kit Pro is more than just a spline tool, it's packed with many features that will allow you to choreograph all types of scenes and events (just head over to the videos page and see for yourself!).


  • Standard and Sculpt edit modes for easily tweaking your spline.


  • Easily place points along collision or anywhere else.


  • Create seamless loops and easily reverse directions.


  • Add trigger events anywhere on the spline that allow you to trigger all kinds of events like: changing and blending animations, creating particle fx, sounds, instantiating prefabs, changing speed/acceleration, and calling into your own scripts). What makes these events so powerful is they can be executed on any game object in your scene (not just the one who triggered it). This flexibility allows you to synchronize all kinds of actions in your scene, allowing you to choreograph AI, physics, and anything else you can think of


  • Complete control of your speed. You can use a constant speed, add acceleration or deceleration, even extract motion from animations and use it to control the movement along the spline (no more trying to guess the correct speed to sync footsteps!). Have a character who starts out walking, then blends to a jog, then to a run? Just extract your animators motion and let it control the speed!


  • Define custom rotations and scaling anywhere along the spline with "3 stage blend nodes". The nodes allow you to blend into your custom rotation/scale, then blend to a secondary rotation/scale, and then blend back to the spline rotation/scale.


  • Create branches. You can choose let Spline Kit randomly choose a path for you, tell it which path to take, or write your own logic.


  • Join splines together. You can join any spline to any other spline (anywhere on that spline, not just at control points). You can have a branch off of one spline and have it join another spline, or join back to the same spline!


  • Dynamically generate "lob" paths. Give Spline Kit a starting locator and 1 or more targets locators, and it will automatically generate a path (or paths, if chained) to the chosen target.


  • Communicate with other game objects.


  • And do all of this without having to write any code! (of course, if code is your thing, Spline Kit can also call your custom scripts as well).


SK Signals

A easy to use signal library. Just create signals you'd like to emit and have the simply have Game Objects subscribe and unsubscribe to them. Support for multiple parameters and delayed signals.

Simple Log Channels

Having trouble finding your log messages in the console? With SLC, just give any message you like an id string (channel) and you'll easily be able to view all of your messages in the logger. Create as many channels as you like. View only messages that belong to your channel, or view them all together. With SLC, channels are color coded, so even if you are viewing all channels at once, you can easily find your messages!


Want to see our tools in action? Just check out the videos page for demos and tutorials!

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Spline Kit Pro
SK Signals
Simple Channel Logger
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